Why All The Fuss With Asbestos?
The primary concern with asbestos is the dangers it poses. Some of the risks that come to mind when asbestos is present could happen:
Lung cancer
Mesothelioma – This is a cancer of the chest cavity lining.
Asbestosis – A pulmonary obstructive disease forcing the lungs and the heart to work beyond their capacity, resulting in cardiac arrest.
What is asbestos and why does it matter?
Asbestos is a group of naturally occurring minerals composed of extremely thin fibers. Because it’s so thin, asbestos is extremely durable to heat and abrasion, but it’s strength is also its drawback. The microscopic asbestos fibers can remain airborne for days, creating a hazard for any individual who is exposed to them. Specifically, asbestos exposure increases risks of mesothelioma and other asbestos related diseases, making it a public health risk.